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Section EE -- Engine -- Cylinder Head

Lotus #
Change Point
Bulletin Reference
A074E0729S1**Cylinder Head Assembly (less Camshafts - Tappets and Tappet Shims)
E074E0729S11Cylinder Head Assembly (less Camshafts - Tappets and Tappet Shims)
C074E0729S1**Cylinder Head Assembly (less Camshafts - Tappets and Tappet Shims)
EE 1A074E0703S1**Cylinder Head Sub AssemblyIncludes: Cylinder Head - Valve Inserts - Valve Guides - Bearing Caps
E074E0703S11Cylinder Head Sub AssemblyIncludes: Cylinder Head - Valve Inserts - Valve Guides - Bearing Caps
C074E0729S1**Cylinder Head Sub AssemblyIncludes: Cylinder Head - Valve Inserts - Valve Guides - Bearing Caps
EE 3A026E0318Z8888Stud - Bearing Cap (Long)
EE 4A026E0319Z12121212Stud - Bearing Cap (Short)
EE 5X026E0320Z20202020Dowel Ringw
EE 6X036E6192Z20202020Nut
EE 7118B20202020Washer
EE 8X026E0027A10101010Bolt - Cylinder Head
EE 9X026E0029Z1111Bolt - Cylinder Head
EE 10X026E0028Z8888Washer
EE 11X026E0031Z2222Washer
EE 12X026E0026Z1111Cylinder Head Gasket
EE 13X026E0032Z1111Head and Timing Case Gasket
EE 14A026E6112Z4444Plug - Expansion
EE 15A026E6122Z1111Plug - Expansion
EE 16X026E0046Z1111Plug - Transverse Oil Gallery
EE 17X026E0048Z1111Washer - Plug
EE 18X026E0002Z4444Plug - Camshaft Bore
EE 19A026E6027Z66**Stud (Short) Carb to Cylinder Head
EE 20X026S0098Z22**Stud (Long) Carb to Cylinder Head
1181616**Washer - Plain - Carb to Cylinder Head
116B88**Washer - Thackeray - Carb to Cylinder Head
21188Nut - Carb to Cylinder Head
A036S0171Z88Stud - Secondary Throttle Body to Cylinder Head
11888Washer - Plain - Secondary Throttle Body to Cylinder Head
21188Nut - Secondary Throttle Body to Cylinder Head
EE 21A026E6061Z1111Plug - Vacuum Take-off Blanking
EE 22X026E0342Y8888Sleeve - tappet
EE 23XUCB05161111Bolt - Head to Timing Case
1151111Washer - Spring - Head to Timing Case
1181111Washer - Plain - Head to Timing Case
EE 25A074E0702Z1**Cover Assembly - Camshaft (Red)Comprises: Cover Camshaft - Cap - Oil Filter - Gasket
EE 26B074E0702Z1Cover Assembly - Camshaft (Red BV)Comprises: Cover Camshaft - Cap - Oil Filter - Gasket
C074E0702Z11**Cover Assembly - Camshaft (Black BV)Comprises: Cover Camshaft - Cap - Oil Filter - Gasket
EE 28A026E0415Z1111Oil Filler Cap
EE 27A026E0325Z1111Oil Filler Gasket
EE 29A026E0001Z1111Camshaft Cover Gasket
EE 302088888Nut - Camshaft Cover
A074E6009Z8888Washer - Camshaft Cover